Dr. Melina Kibbe - Dean of UVA Medicine, Vascular Surgery Clinician & Researcher

Dr. Melina Kibbe, the Dean of the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine, is our latest guest for the podcast. She is an active, practicing vascular surgeon who has maintained an independently funded basic science/translational research laboratory since 2003. Her clinical practice is focused on the care of patients with vascular disease. As a surgeon-scientist, she has been performing independent research and mentoring trainees in the conduct of hypothesis-driven research. To date, she has mentored 41 postdoctoral fellows, 9 graduate students, 13 medical students, and 21 undergraduate students in research. She also has had significant experience with clinical research and clinical trials, having served as national PI or site PI of gene-and cell-based therapies for critical limb ischemia and peripheral artery disease.

She previously held the Colin G. Thomas Jr. Distinguished Professorship and Chair of the Department of Surgery at UNC School of Medicine. Kibbe is also the editor-in-chief for the journal JAMA Surgery, and past president for the Association for Academic Surgery, Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, and the Association of VA Surgeons.

Eli and Sofia greatly enjoyed their conversation with Dr. Kibbe. She exhibited a strong energy of excitement and enthusiasm throughout the interview, which made for a great episode. We hope you enjoy listening to our conversation!

Show Notes & Links Of Interest

  • Introduction [00:10]

  • Interview Begins [02:22]

  • Question: Can she introduce herself to our audience? [03:14]

  • Question: Could you tell us a bit about where you grew up and what your childhood was like? [04:59]

  • Question: Did you foresee yourself becoming a dean? [09:37]

  • Question: What made her decide to take on so many responsibilities? [12:05]

  • Question: How does she uphold the values and reputation of the school? [13:29]

  • Question: During her career, what were some of the hardest challenges she faced, and how did she overcome them? [16:10]

  • Question: What are some of the best methods she found for fighting self-doubt and dealing with failure? [21:10]

  • Question: Could she talk about sex disparity in scientific research? [23:16]

  • Question: Is there a particular accomplishment you are most proud of? [28:59]

  • Question: Who were her mentors and role models growing up? [29:39]

  • Question: Has she ever experienced Imposter’s Syndrome? [33:26]

  • Question: What advice does she give to young women wanting to go into medicine? [35:24]

  • Question: What does she feel are the downsides of the medical field? [37:05]

  • Question: What are the upsides of medicine that people may not realize? [37:50]

  • Question: What advice does she have for people wanting to go into medicine who don’t have family members who know the industry? [41:24]

  • Question: How does she feel about the phrase "Empowered women empower women"? [43:17]

  • Question: What one quality or trait do you think young women should embrace? [45:01]

  • Wrap Up: [45:51]


Positions and Scientific Appointments

  • 11/21-present Staff Researcher, Richmond VA Medical Center, Richmond, VA

  • 9/21-present Dean, University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine, VA

  • 9/21-present James Carroll Flippin Professor of Medical Science, UVA School of Medicine, VA

  • 9/21-present Professor, Departments of Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, UVA, VA

  • 9/21-present Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 12/17-9/21 Colin G. Thomas, Jr. Distinguished Professor, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 9/16-9/21 Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 8/16-11/21 Staff Physician, Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, NC

  • 7/16-9/21 Chair, Department of Surgery, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 7/16-present Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University, FSM, Chicago, IL

  • 7/16-9/21 Professor with Tenure, University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine, Chapel Hill

  • 7/16-11/17 Zack D. Owens Distinguished Professor, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC

  • 9/13-6/16 Professor with Tenure, Northwestern University, FSM, Chicago, IL

  • 9/11-6/16 Edward G. Elcock Professor of Surgical Research, Northwestern Univ, FSM, Chicago, IL

  • 9/11-6/16 Deputy Director, Simpson Querrey Institute for BioNanotechnology, Northwestern Uni, Chicago

  • 4/11-6/16 Vice Chair of Research, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University, FSM, Chicago, IL

  • 2008-present Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Vesseltek Biomedical LLC, Chicago, IL

  • 9/08-8/11 Associate Professor, Northwestern University, FSM, Chicago, IL

  • 7/07-6/16 Site Program Director, Vascular Surgery Fellowship, JBVAMC, Chicago, IL

  • 2/07-6/16 Chief, Vascular Surgery, JBVAMC, Chicago, IL

  • 1/04-2013 Director of the Vascular Laboratory, JBVAMC, Chicago, IL

  • 7/03-8/16 Staff Physician, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center (JBVAMC), Chicago, IL

  • 7/03-8/08 Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine (FSM), Chicago, IL

Selected Honors

  • 2019 Senior Clinical Scientist Award, Biomedical Laboratory R&D, Department of Veterans Affairs

  • 2019 Presidential Citation, Association of VA Surgeons

  • 2016 National Academy of Medicine, member

  • 2016 Tripartite Award, Landsberg Research Day, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University

  • 2011 George Joost Outstanding Teacher in Structure-Function, NU Feinberg School of Medicine

  • 2009 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (President Obama)

  • 2006-2007 AMWA Gender Equity Award

  • 2008-2015 Outstanding Teacher Award (n=9), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

  • 2005-2017 Excellence in Teaching Award (n=10), Northwestern University Dept of Surgery

  • 2002 Association of Women Surgeons Outstanding Woman Resident Award

  • 1999 Society of Vascular Surgery Lifeline Award

  • 1998-1999 Society of University Surgeons/Ethicon Resident Research Fellowship

  • 1999-2000 Thoracic Surgery Foundation Nina Starr Braunwald Research Fellowship

  • 1998 American Society of Gene Therapy Young Investigators Award

  • 1994 American Medical Women’s Association Award

  • 1993 Alpha Omega Alpha

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

  • Society Membership: American College of Surgeons (Fellow), Association of Women Surgeons, North American Vascular Biology Organization, American Heart Association (Fellow), Society for Vascular Surgery, Member (Distinguished Fellow), Association for Academic Surgery (Past President), Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Nitric Oxide Society, The Association of Veterans Affairs Surgeons (President), Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society (President), Society of University Surgeons, American Physiological Society, Society of Clinical Surgery, Surgical Biology Club II, American Surgical Association, American Society of Clinical Investigation, National Academy of Medicine

  • Study Section Service: BTSS Study Section, Member 7/15 – present, Ad hoc member 1/13-6/15; VA Surgery Study Section, Member 2010-2013; Bioengineering Research Partnership CSR Study Section, Ad hoc reviewer, 2006; CV Sciences Small Business Activities CSR Study Section, Ad hoc reviewer, 2006-present.

  • Editorial Duties: JAMA Surgery, Editor-in-Chief 2015-present; Journal of Surgical Research, Associate Editor 2009-2014; Annals of Surgery, editorial board; JACS, editorial board; JVS Science editorial board.

  • Clinical Licensures and Board Certifications: American Board of Surgery Certificate (active, expires 7/1/23); American Board of Surgery Certificate of Added Qualifications in Vascular Surgery (active, expires 7/1/24); Federal DEA License (active), State of North Carolina Medical License (active); ARDMS RVT (active)
